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Week of Ferdowsi

Proclamation: in Persian
Week of Ferdowsi: by Ehsan Yarshater

WHEREAS language is the foremost measure of identity among nations and communities,

language is also the medium of literature and, thereby, the vehicle of a people's thoughts and sentiments,

literature is one of the most important aspects of any civilization,

Persian literature has made splendid contributions to world literature,

Persian literature is cherished by Iranians and all Persianate societies of Afghanistan and Tajikistan including those of Central Asia.

the Shahnameh (The Epic of Kings) composed in the 10th century by the eminent poet Ferdowsi is the greatest monument of the Persian language and the most enduring pillar of Persian identity,

research has shown that in all probability, third of January* is the birthday of Ferdowsi,

We take the initiative of proclaiming the first week of January of each year "The Week of Ferdowsi" with the beginning of the third millennium.

Jalal Khaleghi-Motlagh, Ph.D
Hamburg Univ. Professor
Author and Shahnameh Editor

  Mahmood Omidsalar, Ph.D
California State University, L.A
Shahnameh coeditor
Shapour Shahbazi, Ph.D
Oregon Univ. Professor
Author of Ferdowsi’s Biography
G.Reza Afkhami, Ph.D
Foundation for Iranian Studies
Board of Directors
  Hormoz Hekmat, Ph.D
Iran Nameh Managing Editor
Bethesda, MD

Khanak Eshghi-Sanati, Ph.D
Editor, Author

  Hasan Shahbaz, Ph.D
Rahavard Publisher & Editor
Los Angeles, CA
Ezi Yermian, Ph.D
ISPAND Publisher & Editor
Philadelphia, PA
  Rostam Zartoshty
Shahnameh Foundation, Canada
Founder & Coordinator

* Dr. Shahbazi: Iranshenasi v.2 n.2 p370
Professor Ehsan Yarshater (Columbia University) approved the above Proclamation on 24-Dec-2000 per recommendation of
Dr. Jalal Matini (Ferdowsi University) upon the request of Ferdowsi Foundation's Director.
هفته فردوسی

از آنجا که زبان نخستين ميزان شناسايی مردمان و جوامع است و نيز از افزار ادبيات و رساننده انديشه و مهر مردم ميباشد
از آنجا که ادبيات يکی از بنيادی ترين نشانه های همه فرهنگ ها ميباشد و
از آنجا که ادبيات فارسی، ارمغان آور تابان دنيای ادبيات است و
از آنجا که ادبيات فارسی نزد ايرانيان و فارسی زبانان افغانستان تاجيکستان و آسيای ميانه ارجمند است و
از آنجا که شاهنامه فردوسی بزرگترين يادبنای ادبيات فارسی و پابرجاترين دژ شناساننده ايرانيان است و
از آنجا که پژوهش نمايانگر اين برداشت است که زادروز فردوسی چهاردهم ديماه برابر با سوم ماه ژانويه ميباشد
پس از اينرو پيشنهاد ميشود که از امسال و با آغاز هزاره سوم؛ هفته اول ژانويه هر سال، برابر با دوازدهم تا هجدهم ديماه بعنوان « هفته فردوسی» ناميده شود
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© 2002 Shahnameh Ferdowsi Foundation
Posted 03-Jan-2001 | Revised 12-Dec-2002